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The effectiveness of trainings using this method is 60-100% depending on the gravity of the disease.

Attention deficits, concentration and learning disabilities, behavioral damages and similar disturbances – attention deficit, hyperactivity deprivation syndrome, attention deficit deprivation syndrome.
This disturbances usually do not have only one cause and only one symptome. As many mental functions there are, as many disturbances can occur. These disturbances can differ or co-exist together. Their common denominator is weaken central neuronal system function. Today, the biological origin of this disturbance is generally accepted. It is proven by deficits of brain structure and functions. Also the new methods of therapy are focused on the biological basis of these dysfunctions.

Symptoms ADHD/ADD

Child is:

  • absent minded, not concentrated
  • his/her attention is unstable without apparent cause
  • he/she has often various mood, especially during education
  • he/she is easily interuptable from activity by any external impulse
  • he/she is unable to resist external disrubring impulses

He/she uses only one method for solving problems. Child can not (or only with big problems) choose other method of solving problems.
This child is also charac
terized as impatient. He/she is usually unable to perform tasks and activities which involve deeper concentration, patience or take longer time.
The child is not able to finish longer game, involving deeper concentration or patience, often reacting agressively on unsuccess.
- child is easily fatiqued
- i
nstructions need to be repeated several times.
Children affected by concentrat
ion and memory failures react to signals slowly or it is necessary to repeat the signals and they often forget them in a few minutes.
eacher often think that child has problems with ears or that they do not understand what teacher wants or that they are naughty. Child is trying to be successful but the only reward for him is that he is accused for being an idler with insufficient motivation, asocial or problem child. Interesting is that most of the specific symptoms in behaviour of child with ADHD are similar to symptoms in behaviour of a child that is unusually talented.

Possible solutions:

  1. Farmakotherapy: we know a lot of medicaments and vitamins which can supress symptoms but they do not solve the original problem – weakened functions of central neuronal system.

  2. Specific special pedagogic intervention – training of factual skills and elimination of symptoms.

  3. EEG biofeedback

Results of EEG biofeedback therapy in treatment of reasons and symptomes of ADHD/ADD syndrome:

The neuronal system is developing during the therapy. Afterwards, neuronal regulation is increasing spontaneously: impulsiveness, agression, vacancy and hyperactivity are moderated. Behaviour is more stable, self-control is improving, also the will/motivation is getting stronger. Stress resistance is improving, relationships are getting better. This all helps to increase child‘s self-confidence and self-respect which are usually associated with this dysfunctions. Cognitive functions are improving as well. Children which were suffering from attention deficit could statistically increase their IQ.


Sleeping is time for „repairs and maintenance“ of nervous cellular network used for memory, problem solving and learning. Bad or deficient sleep causes fatigue, mood changes, cognitive functions regression and stress..

Sleeplessness is a typical indication group for EEG biofeedback therapy. Thanks EEG biofeedback therapy this problems are vanishing, especially problems with falling asleep, nightnares and enuresis.

Other applications

  • Chronical headache – migraine – symptoms retreat and vanish
  • Anxiety and depression – mood improvement occures after few EEG biofeedback trainings, fatigue feelings are disappearing, relationships are getting better.
  • Common stress – which is mainly caused to children by parents‘ divorce.
  • Epilepsy – epileptic fit was the first health problem on which this method was successfully applied. The fits are losing intensity after this therapy, their frequency is lower and in some cases they disappear completely.
  • Learning disabilities prevention – children with school attandance delay are often endangered by learning disabilities or other syndromes. EEG biofeedback helps by maturing of neuronal system and improves all psychical processes.

Trim training

EEG biofeedback therapy helps to sportmen, artists and mentally working professionals to achieve top perfomance. It also helps to students with exams preparation.

Memory improving program

This program offers strategies on improving your memory abilities. It works on TOTE principle: test - operation - test – exit.
Firstly, you absolve a test which shows your memory condition. According to this test we will continue in improving your parts of memory.

Part of this program is also EEG biofeedback training and lessons of memory strategy.

BURN out syndrome prevention

Most endangered professions by burn out syndrome:

Everyone who does not keep his primary mental hygiene is endangered by burn out syndrome. Mental hygiene is a group of conditions needed for assurance of soul health, psychical comfort and efficiency. A balanced group of stresors (charging factors) and salutors (possibilities how to solve situations) belongs also to the mental hygiene. There are several possibilities of external burn out prevention, such as social support, good relationships, work conditions and also positive regard from surroundings. EEG biofeedback therapy also belongs into this burn out syndrome prevention.

Doctors, nurses, health personal

  • Psychologists, psychotherapeuts and psychiatrists
  • Social workers
  • Teachers
  • Policemen
  • Penitentiary workers
  • Journalists
  • Politicians
  • Sportmen
  • Priests, monks and spirituals
  • Leading workers at all levels
  • Lawyers
  • Teachers working with mentally disabled children
  • Air service operators, pilots
  • Businessmen and managers
  • Clerks, social curators and others.

EEG biofeedback therapy helps mainly by relaxation and sleep improvement and also by improving of stress resistance.

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